Dragon Quest: A budding romance?

You and the prince settle on a routine of sorts; they tend to the cave while you are away, and you hunt for them in return. It was a mutual arrangement agreed upon after many nights of arguing and silent treatments. In these past few months, you've come to respect the human prince whose name you learned to be Cassian, which fit the prince perfectly 'vain' was an accurate description for the prince. They could never go a day, dawn or dusk without complaining about their living conditions. It's not like you can live in a fancy mansion like those nobles do you're a dragon! Even though they complain till your ears fall off, you can't help but take a liking to the human. Even when they're yelling at you for the 100th time about leaving carcasses in the moss rooms, your heart can't help but beat faster and dance at the sight of them. You start to wonder what humans call this feeling. So, one day while you're watching the human clean the moss room you ask them what that feeling was. They scoul and turn to you face red, "Well how am I supposed to know? figure out on your own you overgrown lizard," they mutter that last part to themselves but you still heard them. You sigh in frustration and decide to leave it alone for now, they'll tell you eventually.

Ending: Love is in the air I guess?

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