Dragon Quest: A quest for stroking a human(pun intended)!

You decide to stroke the humans ego, you say in a sultry tone, "well Sir Lavender if you so wish we could come to an agreement of sorts?" ending your proposal with a wink, a flush rises to Sir Lavenders face, "Y-your m-mad humans and dragons can't...." and he stops there hiding his face in embarrasement. "Step into my cave" you say as you beckon with your head. Sir Lavender looks to his company for guidence, he dosen't find it there so he gives a deep breathe and walks into the cave.........................................
1 hour later
Sir lavender emrges from the cave with a strange glow to his skin and a pep in his step, he calls out to his company,"alright men lets head home our job here is done!" With that he jumps on his horse and travels back down the mountain with his company, who can't help but wonder what went on inside the cave. Unbeknownest to them peace talks where the only thing that went down and the reason for the glow is because you gave Sir lavender some of your finest oils for exchange in peace with the village, that and a shit ton of ego stroking.
{Go back?}
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